Noopept is a Russian dipeptide nootropic drug. It is one of the most popular nootropics around the world.
It is suggested that Noopept works as a prodrug to cycloprolylglycine. Cycloprolylglycine is an endogenous neuropeptide with anxiolytic and neurotrophic properties and is shown to be a positive allosteric AMPA receptors modulator. The pharmacological effects and uses of Noopept are mostly the same as Piracetam, a reference nootropic drug.
Noopept is used to improve cognitive functions (especially memory) in both healthy and cognitively impaired individuals, and in the therapy of organic brain syndrome.
Indications for use are:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Post-concussion syndrome
- Cerebrovascular disorders
- Asthenic conditions (aka chronic fatigue)
- Decreased mental capacity
Noopept does have cumulative action, thus it is advised to take it for at least couple weeks to experience therapeutic effects. A choline-rich diet or additional supplementation with Choline is recommended while taking Noopept.