Getropin is a synthesized somatotropin (STH), identical to human growth hormone (hGH or HGH)
Effects of usage:
- high-quality muscle growth: muscle hyperplasia (creation of new muscle cells) due to the activation of increased production of insulin-like growth factor;
- relief and fat burning: the use of growth hormone activates the process of lipolysis - the splitting of fat cells by the body for energy.
- joints and ligaments strengthening: Getropin has a fortifying effect on the condition of cartilage, joints and ligaments, improves the regeneration of connective tissue and stimulates the production of most important cell component - collagen.
- preservation of youth and rejuvenation of the skin;
- increase endurance and general body tone.
The effects increases with an increase in daily dosage. The recommended duration of the use of growth hormone, somatotropin, is desirable for no shorter than two months to obtain a stable effect, the optimal period is three to four months.